Suicide Prevention and Training 2024-2025
Each school district requires all school faculty and staff, including contracted personnel, to receive at least 2 hours of training in suicide awareness and prevention annually. Such training may include, but not be limited to, youth suicide risk factors, warning signs, protective factors, response procedures, referrals, post-intervention, and resources available within the school and community.
This webpage includes information pertaining to the training requirements for RSA 193.J / Senate Bill 282 : Suicide Prevention Education. With the understanding that sensitive material will be covered, this 3-Step training is designed to be completed at your own pace. Please feel free to take breaks from the training as needed. Completion of all 3 steps will fulfill the required 2 hours of suicide prevention training.
Step 1: “This webinar will cover the range of Risk and Protective Factors, the Warning Signs, and what to do if someone may be at risk for suicide (whether it is a family, friend or acquaintance). The webinar will review actions to take when there is immediate concern and resources in the community that can help create a safety net for people at risk of suicide. This webinar is not a substitute for a professional assessment. If you are concerned about someone or if you are having thoughts of suicide, contact your local community mental health center, call/text NH Rapid Response Access Point at 833-710-6477 or contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). If you feel there is imminent risk, call 911.” Please watch the following video. CONNECT PRE-RECORDED WEBINAR LINK
Step 2: Review the GWRSD Suicide Prevention Plan Step 3: Document to: My Learning Plan |
If you have any questions please contact Shannon Cloos, GWRSD Suicide Prevention Coordinator at