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Suicide Prevention and Training 2024-2025


Each school district requires all school faculty and staff, including contracted personnel, to receive at least 2 hours of training in suicide awareness and prevention annually. Such training may include, but not be limited to, youth suicide risk factors, warning signs, protective factors, response procedures, referrals, post-intervention, and resources available within the school and community.   

This webpage includes information pertaining to the training requirements for RSA 193.J / Senate Bill 282 : Suicide Prevention Education. With the understanding that sensitive material will be covered, this 3-Step training is designed to be completed at your own pace. Please feel free to take breaks from the training as needed. Completion of all 3 steps will fulfill the required 2 hours of suicide prevention training.


Step 1:
As we continue to finalize our GWRSD Suicide Prevention Training procedures to align with best practices, we will again be using this pre-recorded webinar from NAMI for the 2024-2025 school year. 

“This webinar will cover the range of Risk and Protective Factors, the Warning Signs, and what to do if someone may be at risk for suicide (whether it is a family, friend or acquaintance). The webinar will review actions to take when there is immediate concern and resources in the community that can help create a safety net for people at risk of suicide. This webinar is not a substitute for a professional assessment. If you are concerned about someone or if you are having thoughts of suicide, contact your local community mental health center, call/text NH Rapid Response Access Point at 833-710-6477 or contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). If you feel there is imminent risk, call 911.”

Please watch the following video.



Step 2:

Review the GWRSD Suicide Prevention Plan 
​Middleton Suicide Prevention Plan

District Plan Video

Step 3:

Document to: My Learning Plan
Enter under "REQUIRED TRAININGS: All Staff- Suicide Prevention" as you do for anti-harassment and anti-bullying








                  SENATE BILL 282

                    RESOURCE LIST

If you have any questions please contact Shannon Cloos,  GWRSD Suicide Prevention Coordinator at