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School Board Member Ethics


Each member of the Governor Wentworth Regional School Board shall comply with the following ethical provisions:
1.   Attend all regularly scheduled Board meetings, insofar as possible, and become informed concerning issues to be considered at those meetings.
2.   Understand that the Board, as governing body, does not manage the District, but rather sets the broad goals and standards for the District by way of policies adopted by a quorum of the Board at proper meetings under the Right-to-Know law.  
3.   Be informed about current educational issues by individual study and through information, such as those sponsored by state and national school board associations.
4.   Make decisions and take votes based upon the available facts, the full deliberation of the Board, using independent judgment, and refusing to surrender or subordinate that judgement to any individual or special interest groups.
5.  Work respectfully with other Board members by encouraging the free expression of differing opinions and ideas.
6.   Seek opportunities for the Board to establish systematic communication channels with students, staff, and members of the community.
7.   Recognize that as a general principle the District and its students benefit when Board decisions, which have been made following consideration of all sides and vote of a quorum, receive the subsequent support of the whole Board, whenever practicable.
8.   Respect the confidentiality of information that is privileged under applicable law or is received in confidence or non-public session.
9.   Recognize that individual Board members are without authority to act relative to School District business, and that members may not individually commit the Board to any action except as specifically designated to do so by Board action.
10. Understand the chain of command and refer problems or complaints to the proper administrative office per applicable School Board policies.
11. Work with the other Board members to establish effective Board policies, and foster a relationship with the District administration toward the effective implementation of those policies and management of the District operations, personnel and facilities.
12. Communicate to the Superintendent and to the Board (only as consistent with the Right-to-Know law) expressions of public reaction to Board programs, policies and other Board actions.
13. Present personal criticisms concerning District operations, staff, etc. to the Superintendent, not to District staff, the public, or unnecessarily at a Board meeting.
14. Establish policies and protocols for systematic communications with students, staff, and members of the community. Support the employment of those persons best qualified to serve as school staff, and insist on a regular and impartial evaluation of all staff.