Drug and Alcohol Resources
The links listed below have been complied as resources for parents looking for information for increasing resiliency factors to prevent drug and alcohol misuse or treatment options for their children. The web based resources listed below include information about how to talk to your children about drugs and alcohol in developmentally appropriate ways. There is also information about prevention, interventions, and treatment.
Resource Guide: Substance Misuse Treatment Programs for Carroll County and Surrounding Areas
This guide was compiled by the Substance Misuse Prevention Initiative of the Carroll County Public Health Region of Carroll County Coalition for Public Health (CCCPH). It contains a list of Carroll County licensed drug and alcohol counselors, statewide services, adult services, adolescent services, and other local resources. http://docplayer.net/11978674-Resource-guide-for-substance-misuse-treatment-programs-for-carroll-county-nh-and-surrounding-areas.html
New Hampshire Resources
New Hampshire based resources Guides that provide listings of state-funded resources for Prevention, Crisis Services, Treatment and Recovery. http://www.dhhs.nh.gov/dcbcs/bdas/documents/guide.pdf
Partnership for Drug Free New Hampshire
Partnership for Drug-Free Kids-Parent Tool Kit
This parent tool kit has developmentally appropriate information for children of any age. There are tips for talking to your child about drugs and alcohol and prevention information. http://www.drugfree.org/the-parent-toolkit/
Guides and Resources- ebooks
The Partnership for Drug-Free Kids offers free ebooks and fact sheets on a wide variety of topics related to talking and listening to children, The Parent’s 20 Minute Guide, breaking through barriers, and treatment options. http://www.drugfree.org/resources/
National Institute on Drug Abuse
This site has information about the latest research on the effects of drug abuse and addiction. There are resources for parents on a variety of topics, including talking with children about the consequences of drug use on their health. https://www.drugabuse.gov/parents-educators
If you would like more information please contact the Counselor in your child’s school. Governor Wentworth Regional School District and Middleton Elementary School Counselors include:
Deb Bunting |
Keith Conley |
Sheena Robbins |
Anika Hastings |
Matt Tetreault |
Morgan Polish |
Wendy Huggard
Lara Crane
Kingswood Regional High School
Shelly Ispan-Laing
Kingswood Regional High School
Linda Perrow
Effingham Elementary School
Katie Fillion
Carpenter School
Joe Vignola
Kingswood Regional Middle School